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Summer Vacation and Child Custody: Tips for Parenting Time

Co-parenting during the summer months can present unique challenges. With the right strategies in place, you can help make it stress-free for you and your child.

This blog will delve into valuable tips to help co-parents navigate summer vacations while maintaining a harmonious co-parenting relationship. By implementing these parenting tips, you can help ensure your child’s summer break is filled with fun, love, and quality time spent with both parents.

Read on to discover effective co-parenting techniques that will make your summer vacation successful.

What is Parenting Time?

The term “custody” is no longer used in the law. It is now called “parental responsibilities.” This includes parenting time (formerly “visitation”) and decision-making power.  Parenting time refers to the time each parent spends with their child.

Parenting time is literally just a schedule of each parent’s time with the children.  This schedule is agreed to and approved by the family court judge.  If the parents can’t agree on the schedule, the family court judge will assign the parents a schedule based on the “best interests” of the child.

Parental responsibilities refer to the decision-making responsibilities that each parent will have on behalf of the child. The parties may agree to share decision-making for the child or they may divide up the individual categories of decision-making responsibilities.

Those categories of decision-making responsibility must include:

  • Education
  • Health
  • Religion
  • Extracurricular Activities

If the parents can’t agree on who gets what responsibility, the Illinois family court judge will allocate those responsibilities amongst them. (See more below on Allocation of Parental Responsibilities).

Does Illinois Grant Equal Custody?

Approximately 40% of states in the United States strive to provide equal custody time for both parents. Courts consider the child’s best interests when determining parenting time and custody arrangements. They aim to ensure that the child maintains a strong and healthy relationship with both parents. They consider factors such as the child’s age, needs, and the ability of each parent to provide a safe environment.

Illinois courts grant parenting time and responsibilities based on the child’s best interest. This means the court only favors a mother over a father if the father negatively impacts the child.

Clear guidelines and agreements regarding parenting time and custody can help establish stability and promote effective co-parenting. Let’s take a deeper look at some helpful co-parenting methods.

Plan In Advance

Effective co-parenting requires proactive planning for summer vacation. Start by discussing your vacation plans with the other parent well in advance. This allows both of you to evaluate and discuss the feasibility of the proposed dates and destinations. Consider factors such as your child’s preferences, special events or activities they may want to participate in, and overall availability. Considering these commitments helps you avoid scheduling conflicts and ensures your child doesn’t miss out on critical activities.

Engaging in open and constructive communication with the other parent is crucial during the planning stage. Discussing your expectations and desires for the vacation allows you to find common ground and work towards a mutually agreeable arrangement. It’s essential to listen to each other’s concerns and be willing to compromise where necessary. Remember, the focus should always be on providing your child with a positive and enriching vacation experience.

By initiating discussions early, considering your child’s preferences, school schedules, and commitments, and maintaining open communication with the other parent, you can avoid conflicts and work together to create a memorable and enjoyable summer vacation for your child.

Communicate Openly

Clear and open communication is vital to successful co-parenting. Communication becomes even more critical during the summer break. Keep each other informed about your vacation plans, including travel itineraries, accommodation details, and emergency contacts. Regularly update the other parent about any changes or delays impacting the agreed-upon schedule. Maintaining open lines of communication ensures transparency and builds trust between co-parents.

Be Flexible And Compromise

Flexibility is crucial when co-parenting during summer vacation. Understand that unexpected events or last-minute opportunities may arise, requiring adjustments to the agreed-upon plans. Be willing to accommodate reasonable requests from the other parent, and consider your child’s best interests when making decisions. Maintaining a cooperative and flexible attitude helps create a positive co-parenting dynamic and allows for enjoyable vacations for everyone involved.

Create A Detailed Vacation Plan

To avoid confusion and minimize potential conflicts, create a detailed vacation plan that outlines the agreed-upon arrangements. Include travel dates, pick-up and drop-off locations, transportation arrangements, and contact details for both parents. This plan can serve as a reference point for both parents and helps ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Consider The Child’s Needs

While making vacation plans, always prioritize the well-being and happiness of your child. Consider their preferences, interests, and special considerations such as allergies or medical requirements. Involve your child in the decision-making process where appropriate, giving them a sense of ownership and excitement about the vacation. Remember, the goal is to create lasting memories and positive experiences for your child.

Respect Boundaries

When co-parenting during summer vacation, respecting each other’s boundaries is crucial. Avoid involving your child in conflicts or negative discussions about the other parent. Remember custody and visitation agreements. Demonstrating respect sets a positive example for your child and fosters a harmonious co-parenting relationship. Plan for regular communication between your child and the non-custodial parent. Consider phone calls, video chats, or updates based on your child’s age and preferences. By planning, considering the child’s needs, and respecting boundaries, co-parents can ensure a smooth and enjoyable vacation for their children.

Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

If you have followed the tips above and are having trouble reaching a civil agreement regarding parenting time, the Allocation of Parental Responsibilities can help. In Illinois, there are three primary types of child allocation of parental responsibilities: joint allocation, sole allocation, and shared allocation.

Joint allocation of parental responsibilities requires parents to collaborate on decision-making regarding their child’s education, healthcare, religious instruction, and other essential matters. The parents will agree, or the court will assign a residential parent. The non-residential parent will provide child support and have designated parenting time, as determined by a parenting time agreement or court order.

Sole allocation of parental responsibilities refers to an arrangement where one parent assumes full responsibility for making decisions concerning the child’s well-being. However, it doesn’t imply that the other parent is wholly excluded from the child’s life.

Shared allocation of parental responsibilities is a variation of joint allocation. It is suitable when the child spends equal time with both parents. The parents live in the same school district and can co-parent effectively. Working with an established family law attorney can ultimately help you reach an agreement.

How Masters Law Group Can Help

Masters Law Group focuses on helping clients assert their rights to further the best interests of their children. Attorney Erin E. Masters is a court-appointed Child Representative with experience advocating for children in these high-conflict matters. Attorney Anthony G. Joseph is an approved Guardian Ad Litem/Child Representatives list for the Domestic Relations Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County.

With a strong focus in assisting clients in Chicago’s Western Suburbs (Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, Oakbrook) we offer various services to help parents, children, and families through difficult times like Divorce, Parenting Time, and Allocation of Parental Responsibilities.

If you require legal assistance, contact a member of our legal team today. Our attorneys will work with you to develop an appropriate action plan for your unique needs and goals. We will work diligently on your behalf and provide regular updates. Contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.