Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas Case: RESOLVED

In recent legal proceedings, celebrity couple Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have resolved their dispute over child custody. Turner originally initiated proceedings under The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

The Hague Convention was brought to Jonas via The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“The Hague Convention”) enacted into law through the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (“ICARA”). The multi-treaty act provides a parent whose child has been wrongfully removed from or retained in the United States the right to petition for the child’s/children’s return to his or her country of habitual residence. However, the couple has since agreed on a parenting plan that they both agree with. The international child abduction lawsuit has since been dismissed, marking a significant step in resolving their custody issues. This development emphasizes the importance of constructive dialogue in custody disputes. 

HOW IT BEGAN: Mediation Session

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas entered a four-day mediation session on October 10, 2023, to address custody matters and establish a parenting plan for their children. As for their long-term arrangement, the estranged couple had to “jointly submit a status report letter” before December 2023 outlining where they stand in the mediation process.

Approximately two weeks after Turner initiated the lawsuit, Jonas and Turner reached a temporary custody agreement concerning their two daughters. Subsequently, Jonas filed for dismissing the custody portion of their divorce case in Florida, citing its resolution. 

Following a productive and successful mediation, Jonas and Turner issued a joint statement expressing their agreement that the children would split their time equally between loving homes in the U.S. and the U.K. They expressed anticipation for their roles as co-parents.

International Child Abduction Suit Dropped

Actress Sophie Turner initiated a Hague Convention petition, alleging that her estranged husband, singer, and actor Joe Jonas, refused to allow their children to return to England with her. In her Hague Convention petition, Turner stated that the couple had intended to raise their daughters in her native country, highlighting their integration into daily life in England.

Navigating international family law, particularly in child custody disputes, can be complex. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction is a vital international treaty aimed at protecting children from abduction across borders. With 101 Contracting States, including the United States and the United Kingdom, the 1980 Hague Convention establishes procedures for the prompt return of children wrongfully removed or retained outside their home country.

Subsequently, the “Game of Thrones” star sought to dismiss the lawsuit she filed in September 2023. Legal representatives for the former couple presented new documents to the New York judge overseeing the case, requesting its dismissal in light of an agreed-upon parenting plan. On January 17, the case was officially closed.

Privacy In Hague Convention Cases

In cases involving parental child abduction under the Hague Convention, privacy preservation is paramount. The Hague Convention proceedings typically occur in closed sessions, protecting sensitive family matters from media scrutiny and public exposure.

Unlike traditional courtroom battles where personal details are dissected and presented as evidence, The Hague Convention focuses on resolving disputes while respecting the privacy and dignity of the involved parties. This approach allows individuals to maintain control over the disclosure of personal information.

For high-profile couples like Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas, who often face intense media attention, opting for Hague Convention mediation can mitigate public sensationalism and protect their family’s privacy. By choosing this route, they can shield their child from unnecessary public scrutiny and maintain privacy amidst the legal proceedings.

Child-Focused Strategy

Regardless of the case’s profile, it’s imperative to maintain a child-centered approach throughout legal proceedings. A child-focused strategy is critical when it concerns the Hague Convention and parental child abduction. Dealing with parental child abduction, whether within the U.S. or internationally, presents significant challenges for parents and children. Seeking legal assistance is crucial in effectively navigating parental child abduction cases.

This approach often leads to more enduring and child-friendly resolutions tailored to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the children involved. By centering discussions on the well-being and future of the children, Family Law Attorneys strive to offer legal guidance that is both compassionate and comprehensive in addressing family disputes.


If your child is taken to another country, a child abduction attorney can help you navigate The Hague Convention. The Hague Convention is an international treaty designed to facilitate children’s safe return. Taking proactive measures is paramount to protecting your child’s well-being. A parenting plan will give you and your child an added layer of protection should they be abducted.


Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s decision to pursue mediation to address their custody issues and create a new parenting plan is commendable. It showcases their commitment to providing their children with a stable and loving environment while preserving their privacy and control. Mediation can be a valuable tool for all parents, whether in the public eye or not.

Sophie and Joe’s actions serve as a reminder that prioritizing child-centered solutions is attainable, even amidst the glare of Hollywood. In cases involving the Hague Convention and parental child abduction, this approach underscores the importance of placing the well-being of the children at the forefront of legal proceedings.

Read the People article here for the full timeline of events regarding the Turner and Jonas Divorce.


Keeping yourself informed about legal developments is crucial, especially in areas as intricate as divorce mediation, parental child abduction, and parenting time conflicts. The Jonas/Turner case is just one example of the complex issues that can arise in these matters.

By staying updated, you empower yourself with the knowledge to help you make informed decisions about your legal situation.

DuPage Divorce Lawyer

DuPage County boasts a supportive environment for businesses, a haven for families, and a hub for innovation. However, behind the suburban facade, troubled marriages and divorces persist. 

Despite the idyllic setting, many families face divorce’s emotional and legal challenges. If you’re navigating the complexities of divorce in DuPage County, Masters Law Group is here to help and support you through this difficult process.

Understanding Divorce

Divorce is a legal process that dissolves a marriage, ending the legal relationship between spouses. It involves various emotional, financial, and practical considerations. Understanding divorce requires acknowledging its complexities and potential impacts on individuals and families. 

What leads to divorce? The reasons can be numerous. A range of factors, such as lack of communication, infidelity, constant conflict, and other situations, can heighten the risk of divorce. Financially, divorce often involves dividing assets and liabilities accumulated during the marriage, determining spousal support, and addressing child support and custody issues. 

Divorce can have long-term effects on children, family dynamics, and social relationships. Therefore, seeking support from friends, family, and family law attorneys can be crucial in navigating the complexities of divorce and moving forward with clarity and resilience.

Navigating Divorce in DuPage

While Illinois divorce rates are depleting, in DuPage County, the divorce rate trend is less consistent:

  • 2012: 2,308
  • 2013: 2,233
  • 2014: 2,301
  • 2015: 2355
  • 2016: 2210
  • 2017: 2285

(*Note: DuPage County is currently only documented up to 2017)

In DuPage and throughout  Illinois, divorce operates under a no-fault system, necessitating only the presence of irreconcilable differences for legal separation. This means divorcing couples don’t need to assign blame to dissolve their marriage. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the highest divorce rates in Illinois are in the following five counties:

  • Cook County
  • DuPage County 
  • Lake County 
  • Will County
  • Kane County

Navigating a divorce in DuPage County demands careful selection of legal representation. When seeking a divorce lawyer, reliability is paramount. Effective communication and a strong rapport are essential, given the protracted nature of divorce proceedings. While experience in family law, particularly divorce law, is crucial, finding an attorney you trust and respect is equally important.

Starting the Divorce Process

In DuPage County, Illinois, initiating the divorce process typically begins with filing a petition for dissolution of marriage at the Circuit Court Clerk’s office. This petition outlines the grounds for divorce. The petition can include irreconcilable differences or fault-based reasons such as infidelity.

Along with the petition, the filer must also serve the other party, the respondent, with a copy of the documents. Once served, the respondent has the opportunity to respond to the petition. If both parties agree on property division, child custody, and support, they may proceed with an uncontested divorce, often resulting in a faster and less costly process. 

However, if there are disputes, the case may proceed to court, where a judge will decide on contested matters. It’s advisable for individuals navigating divorce in DuPage County to seek legal counsel to help protect their rights throughout the process.

Alternative Divorce Methods

Alternative divorce methods offer couples varying pathways to dissolve their marriage with differing levels of complexity and contention. In cases where the dissolution is relatively straightforward, joint and simplified divorce procedures provide expedited routes, requiring mutual agreement on key issues and minimal conflicts. 

Uncontested divorces follow a standard procedure but involve spouses who are largely in accord regarding the terms, reducing the time and resources needed compared to contested divorces. Beyond these options, couples may explore alternatives such as legal separation. 

  • Legal separation offers an alternative to divorce, addressing concerns of couples who wish to live separately without permanently ending their marriage.
  • Civil unions, recognized in DuPage and across Illinois, undergo a dissolution process similar to that of marriage, necessitating legal guidance to navigate.

These alternative methods offer flexibility and choice to couples seeking to end their union in a manner that best suits their circumstances and preferences.

Working With Masters Law Group

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged journey that often requires the guidance of seasoned family law professionals. At Masters Law Group, our family law attorneys are here to provide valuable assistance, helping to ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children remain at the forefront of every decision. Here are some areas where we can help guide you:

  • Parenting Time: If you have children, it’s essential to work closely with your attorney to determine the most suitable arrangements for child custody and visitation. We aim to help create arrangements prioritizing your children’s well-being and best interests.
  • Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution: We encourage exploring options like mediation and collaborative divorce, which can facilitate mutually beneficial agreements outside the courtroom. Our family law attorneys will skillfully guide you through these processes, representing your interests and helping you secure a smoother negotiation experience.
  • Post-Divorce Modifications: Life can bring unexpected changes even after the divorce is finalized. Circumstances may arise that require modifications to parental responsibilities, visitation, or support arrangements. Our attorneys are here to assist you in addressing these changes promptly and effectively, helping protect your rights and the interests of your children.

By working with a DuPage divorce attorney, you can confidently navigate the complexities of divorce and reduce stress. Your rights and the well-being of your family are our top priorities.

Last Thoughts

The complexities of divorce, especially concerning children and/or substantial assets, necessitate legal assistance. Masters Law Group is ready to advocate for you throughout your divorce process.

If you have questions about divorce in DuPage County, an experienced DuPage divorce lawyer can assist you. Our firm has years of experience providing counsel to the community of DuPage County, and we are here to answer any of your questions about divorce or other family law matters. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

DuPage Divorce Attorney: The Valentine’s Day Effect

Flowers, romantic cards, and proclamations of undying love for one another; Valentine’s Day is known as the day of love for a reason. Unfortunately, for many people, Valentine’s Day is a day for ending relationships and obtaining divorces, too.

In the weeks leading up to and after Valentine’s Day, requests for information about divorce experienced a surge of 40 percent ( For individuals in DuPage County, Illinois, and across Chicagoland, Valentine’s Day may shed light on the complexities within their marriages.

Valentine’s Day is a day that celebrates love and affection, but for some couples, it’s not such a happy holiday as divorce rates surge. During challenging times, a DuPage divorce attorney can be a crucial ally, providing guidance and support through the emotional and legal aspects of ending a marriage. Here’s what you need to know.


While Valentine’s Day is meant to celebrate love and connection, for certain couples, it can evolve into a stark reminder of the underlying issues in their relationships. Yet, when we delve deeper into the broader context of Valentine’s Day, it becomes clear why this time of year can be particularly revealing.

Unmet expectations, unresolved conflicts, and a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction may all surface leading up to and on this day. These negative emotions may prompt individuals to reassess the foundations of their marriages. This phenomenon, commonly referred to as the “Valentine’s Day Effect,” has the potential to lead some couples to the difficult decision of pursuing a divorce. 

Why Couples Seek Divorce

On top of dealing with the “Valentine’s Day Effect,” various other factors can lead to divorce. This study found that the following factors can increase a couple’s risk of divorce:

  • A lack of communication
  • Infidelity
  • Conflict and arguing
  • Marrying too young
  • Financial issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Health issues
  • Lack of family support
  • Religious differences
  • Lack of premarital education

It’s important to note that Illinois operates as a no-fault divorce state, requiring only irreconcilable differences as grounds, eliminating the need to prove fault for divorce.


A seasoned DuPage divorce attorney possesses the legal experience necessary to navigate the complex terrain of divorce proceedings. Emotions can run high during a divorce, and decisions made in the heat of the moment may have long-lasting consequences. A divorce attorney acts as a level-headed and objective advisor, helping clients make informed decisions based on their best interests rather than emotions.

It’s important to note that not all divorces need to be contentious courtroom battles. A skilled divorce attorney can help you explore alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, to facilitate open communication and negotiation between the parties involved. These lower-conflict avenues often result in a more amicable resolution.

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged journey that often requires the guidance of seasoned family law professionals. At Masters Law Group, our experienced family law attorneys provide valuable assistance, helping to ensure that your rights and the best interests of you and your children remain at the forefront of every decision.


If you file for divorce, you may be wondering what will happen to the financial house you built together. Division of assets is a significant aspect of divorce proceedings. When couples get a divorce in Illinois, the courts don’t split everything down the middle like in certain other states. Instead, Illinois follows a more intricate approach called “equitable distribution.” Here’s how it works:

  1. Contribution to the Marriage: The court looks at what each spouse brought to the marriage regarding money and non-money contributions like caring for the home or children.
  2. Duration of the Marriage: How long the marriage lasted matters, as it can affect how assets are divided.
  3. Economic Circumstances: Each spouse’s financial situation, including income and needs, is considered.
  4. Non-Marital Property: Things owned before marriage or received as gifts or inheritance during marriage may not be split.
  5. Custodial Arrangements: If there are kids, the court looks at custody and how it impacts finances.
  6. Spousal Support (Alimony): Whether one spouse needs support payments is factored in.
  7. Tax Consequences: Taxes resulting from asset division are also considered to make things fair.
  8. Wasteful Dissipation: If one spouse recklessly spends or wastes money, it can affect the division.
  9. Agreements: Any agreements made before or during the marriage, like prenups, are considered if they meet legal standards.

Remember, “equitable distribution” doesn’t always mean a perfect 50/50 split. It’s about creating a fair and just arrangement based on each family’s unique situation. This process can be tricky, so it’s a good idea to work with a skilled family law attorney to help ensure your rights are protected during asset division in Illinois.


If you’re looking for a top lawyer in Illinois, consider working with the DuPage divorce attorneys at Masters Law Group. Our firm has earned a top spot on the Best Law Firms 2023 list by Best Lawyers® and U.S. News & World Report, and we are highly esteemed and respected by leading peer review publications such as Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and Leading Lawyers. 

Furthermore, our senior attorneys, Erin E. Masters, and Anthony G. Joseph, have been recognized by these prestigious publications year after year, showcasing their strong work ethic, character, and skill in family law, so you can rest assured you have someone you can trust throughout your divorce proceedings.


Valentine’s Day isn’t all about love and romance. For some, it could be a wake-up call or the final straw when it comes to divorce. 

If you are experiencing “The Valentine’s Day Effect” or simply want to learn more about initiating the divorce process, we can help. For questions regarding divorce and other family law matters in DuPage County, contact Chicagoland’s premier family law group here today to schedule a consultation.

Hague Convention Law for Parental Child Abduction

Family abductions account for 49 percent of all child abduction cases. Addressing the distressing issue of parental child abduction entails substantial emotional and legal consequences for all parties involved. 

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was established in 1980 and entered into force between the signatories on 1 December 1983 to address the complex issue of international parental child abduction. 

In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of the Hague Convention, shedding light on how a family law attorney can play a crucial role in helping navigate these delicate cases.


International parental child abduction is a distressing problem that impacts families worldwide. This issue has profound emotional, psychological, and legal implications for those involved. Due to the increase in international travel, parental child abduction cases have increased, too. But what is categorized as International Parental Child Abduction?

As per Travel.State.Gov, international parental child abduction is the removal or retention of a child outside their country of habitual residence in breach of another parent or guardian’s custody rights. The Office of Children’s Issues within the U.S. Department of State is a leader in U.S. government efforts to prevent international parental child abduction (both from the United States and to the United States), help children and families involved in abduction cases, and promote the objectives of the Hague Abduction Convention.


The Hague Convention provides a framework for cooperation between signatory countries in resolving international child abduction cases. This multilateral agreement establishes guidelines for the prompt return of wrongfully removed or retained children. Child abduction attorneys with experience in The Hague Convention can guide families through the legal process to help maximize the chances of a successful outcome. Here are a few ways a Child Abduction Lawyer can help:

  • Legal Experience: A child abduction attorney with experience handling Hague Convention cases possesses in-depth knowledge of the legal framework surrounding international child abduction issues.
  • Prevention Strategies: They can set proactive measures to prevent child abduction. This includes obtaining court orders, creating detailed parenting plans, and securing necessary travel permissions.
  • Hague Convention Compliance: A knowledgeable attorney can guide parents through initiating Hague Convention proceedings, helping to ensure that all necessary documents and evidence are prepared and presented per the Convention’s requirements.
  • Timely Response: Swift action is crucial in child abduction cases. A dedicated attorney can expedite the legal process, filing petitions promptly and coordinating with relevant authorities to locate and return the child promptly.

The Hague Convention works with central authorities to help foster communication and coordinate for the child’s safe return. Let’s take a look at what the central authorities can do.


Each signatory country designates a Central Authority as a point of contact for international child abduction cases. The Central Authority is crucial in facilitating communication and cooperation between countries involved in resolving these cases.

  • Communication: The Central Authority is a liaison between the left-behind parent and the foreign country. They work closely with other countries to exchange information, coordinate legal proceedings, and help communication.
  • Receiving and Processing Applications: When a parent seeks the return of their child under the Hague Convention, they apply to their home country’s Central Authority. The Central Authority receives and processes these applications, verifying their completeness and compliance with the requirements of the Convention.
  • Initiating Legal Proceedings: Once the Central Authority receives a complete application, they initiate legal proceedings in the country where the child is.
  • Information and Guidance: The Central Authority helps parents through legal procedures and obligations under the Hague Convention to be well-informed throughout the process.
  • International Cooperation: Central Authorities also engage in international cooperation to enhance the effectiveness of the Hague Convention. They participate in conferences, meetings, and training programs to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and strengthen the global network of Central Authorities.

Remember that the specific functions and procedures of the Central Authority may vary slightly between countries. To obtain accurate and country-specific information, consulting with an attorney with experience in international child abduction cases is essential.


Addressing issues beyond national borders necessitates efficient coordination with authorities from different countries. This coordination helps individuals navigate high-stakes proceedings seamlessly. Family law attorneys with experience in international abduction cases understand the Hague Convention’s intricacies and relevant international family law.

A skilled family law attorney can adeptly engage with international legal channels to apply the Hague Convention properly. At Masters Law Group, our steadfast attorneys work with local authorities in the abductor’s destination country to monitor compliance with court orders. This allows us to take necessary actions to help facilitate the child’s return if there are any obstacles or delays. 


It is important to work with legal professionals who understand the importance of the safety and well-being of your child. Masters Law Group, led by Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph, is experienced in handling delicate, time-sensitive matters involving international parental child abduction. Our attorneys are highly skilled in these areas, litigating in the State of Illinois and the United States federal court system.

See Our Featured Hague Decisions Here:


The Hague Convention provides a framework for addressing parental child abduction on an international scale. In these high-stakes situations, the experience of a family law attorney can be beneficial in initiating the safe return of your child or children. 

Contact us today to set up your complimentary consultation.