Tag Archive for: Oak Brook Divorce Attorney

Divorce Mediation vs. Litigation

Divorce mediation or litigation? When couples decide to end their marriage, they often choose between the two. While both approaches have their merits, it’s crucial to understand the differences and consider your options carefully. 

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, no matter where you are at in life. Masters Law Group, located in Oak Brook, Illinois, with offices in downtown Chicago, is a law firm committed to helping couples navigate these difficult decisions and offers a comprehensive approach to divorce resolution. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding Divorce Mediation

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process where an impartial or neutral mediator helps guide you and your spouse in settlement efforts. Unlike judges, a mediator cannot decide for you or your spouse. Their job is to keep you and your spouse focused on your needs and interests instead of faults and rights.

When a couple begins divorce mediation, they choose the mediator in advance, or the court may appoint one. Both spouses provide documentation to support their viewpoints regarding disputed issues while the mediator works with both sides to find a resolution. The mediator’s goal is to reach an agreement between the two parties. 

Benefits of Divorce Mediation include:

  1. Faster Resolution: Mediation often leads to a quicker resolution than a court-based divorce. Mediation sessions can be scheduled at the convenience of the parties involved, and they can work at their own pace, leading to a faster outcome.
  2. Greater Control: In mediation, the divorcing couple retains control over the outcome and decisions made. They actively participate in crafting agreements that best suit their unique needs and circumstances, rather than having a judge impose decisions on them.
  3. Less Emotional Stress: Mediation tends to be less adversarial and confrontational compared to litigation. It provides a more supportive and less combative environment, which can reduce the emotional stress and conflict associated with divorce.
  4. Confidentiality: Mediation is a private process, and discussions that occur during mediation are generally confidential. This allows both parties to speak openly and honestly without fear of their statements being used against them in court.
  5. Preservation of Relationships: For divorcing couples who will continue to co-parent or have ongoing relationships, mediation can help maintain a more amicable and cooperative atmosphere, which can be beneficial for both parties and any children involved.
  6. Customized Solutions: Mediation allows for creative and customized solutions that take into account the specific needs and concerns of the divorcing couple and their children. This flexibility can result in more tailored agreements than what a court might provide.
  7. Reduced Court Involvement: Since many issues are resolved through mediation, there may be fewer court appearances and less time spent navigating the legal system, reducing the overall burden on both parties.
  8. Improved Communication Skills: Mediation often helps couples improve their communication skills and learn effective ways to resolve conflicts, which can be valuable skills for future interactions and co-parenting.
  9. Reduced Post-Divorce Disputes: Because mediated agreements are typically reached through mutual understanding and cooperation, there may be fewer post-divorce disputes and a higher likelihood of compliance with the agreed-upon terms.

Divorce Mediation Drawbacks

While mediation offers numerous benefits, it’s important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks. These drawbacks come into play when the parties involved are unwilling to engage in constructive negotiation. Successful mediation hinges on the commitment of all parties to resolve. Issues that remain unresolved can lead to additional expenses and extended negotiation timelines.

In addition to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of mediation, it’s valuable to discern when mediation is the most appropriate choice for your unique situation. Some cases that are particularly well-suited for mediation include:

  1. Partnership disagreements
  2. Contract issues
  3. Will contests
  4. Employment issues
  5. Divorce
  6. Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

By recognizing the strengths and limitations of mediation, individuals can make informed decisions regarding their conflict resolution needs.

Understanding Litigation

Divorce litigation is a legal process used to resolve the issues surrounding the dissolution of a marriage when couples cannot reach an agreement on their own. This approach involves taking the divorce case to court, where a judge will make decisions on key matters, including property division, child custody, and spousal support if the spouses cannot agree to negotiation or mediation.

Here’s a breakdown of how divorce litigation typically works:

  • Filing a Petition: The process begins with one spouse filing a divorce petition, formally initiating the divorce proceedings.
  • Legal Representation: Both spouses hire their attorneys to represent their respective interests. These attorneys will provide guidance, negotiate on behalf of their clients, and advocate for their rights during court proceedings.
  • Court Proceedings: Divorce litigation involves court hearings, legal motions, and formal discovery processes where each side gathers evidence and information.
  • Decision by the Judge: Ultimately, a judge will make decisions on the disputed issues, often after a trial. The judge has the final say, and the outcome is out of the hands of the divorcing couple.

Here are some potential benefits of litigation over mediation:

  1. Adjudication by a Judge: In litigation, the divorce case is presented to a judge who makes legally binding decisions on the issues in dispute, such as property division, child custody, and alimony. If you believe that your interests are not being adequately protected in mediation, or if there are serious disagreements that cannot be resolved through negotiation, going to court allows for a neutral third party to make the final decisions.
  2. Legal Protections: Litigation offers a more formalized legal process with established rules and procedures. This can provide legal protections to ensure fairness and adherence to the law. In some cases, individuals may be concerned that mediation could lead to agreements that are not legally sound or enforceable.
  3. Discovery Process: Litigation allows for the use of legal tools such as depositions, subpoenas, and interrogatories to gather evidence and information from the opposing party. This can be crucial in complex cases where there are concerns about hidden assets or uncooperative spouses.
  4. Enforcement of Court Orders: Court-ordered judgments are enforceable by law. If one party fails to comply with the court’s orders, the other party can seek legal remedies through the court system to enforce the judgment.
  5. Binding Decisions: In litigation, the judge’s decisions are binding and final, providing a clear resolution to the divorce case. This can reduce the potential for ongoing disputes or disagreements after the divorce is finalized.
  6. Protection in High-Conflict Situations: In cases of high conflict, where emotions run extremely high or there are concerns about safety and abuse, litigation may provide a more structured and protective environment. Court orders can include provisions for restraining orders, protective orders, and supervised visitation to ensure the safety of all parties involved.
  7. Clear Legal Precedent: Litigation can establish legal precedent in certain cases, which can be important for clarifying legal issues and setting standards for future cases. This can be particularly relevant in cases involving complex legal questions.

It’s important to note that litigation can also be more time-consuming, emotionally draining, and potentially more expensive than mediation.

Litigation Drawbacks

While divorce litigation can resolve challenging cases, it also comes with certain drawbacks that individuals should be aware of when considering this route. It’s important to know that this option can become a long endeavor, characterized by multiple court appearances, filing legal motions, and extensive documentation. 

In litigation, the ultimate determinations rest with the judge, reducing the divorcing couple’s control over the outcome. Furthermore, court proceedings are generally open to the public, potentially exposing sensitive personal information to scrutiny. While it is a necessary option in some cases, it’s worth exploring alternative methods of conflict resolution to determine what best suits your specific circumstances and priorities. Working with an experienced divorce attorney can help you navigate this complex terrain.

Masters Law Group: Your Oak Brook Divorce Law and Mediation Professionals

If you’re currently residing in Illinois and seeking a family law attorney to assist you in finalizing your divorce, Masters Law Group is here to provide the support you need. Our team of experienced divorce and mediation attorneys is fully prepared to advocate for you and your family. Here’s how our attorneys can help you:

  • Experienced Mediators: The firm’s mediators have extensive experience in family law and are skilled in facilitating productive discussions between divorcing spouses.
  • Experienced Litigators: A skilled litigator has the experience to present your case effectively before the judge. They meticulously prepare legal arguments, gather evidence, and strategically plan to secure your most favorable outcome.
  • Conflict Resolution: They are professionals in conflict resolution, focusing on finding peaceful solutions for both parties and their children.
  • Protecting Your Interests: Masters Law Group attorneys work to protect your legal rights and best interest for you and your children.

Erin E. Masters and Anthony G. Joseph have consistently earned recognition from esteemed publications year after year (including Best Lawyers, Best Law Firm, Top 100 Lawyers, and Leading Lawyers), a testament to their unwavering work ethic, strong character, and experience in family law. Our track record of success reassures you have a trustworthy ally throughout your divorce proceedings.

Final Thoughts

Divorce is a difficult journey, but in Oak Brook, and across Illinois, couples have access to professional help to make the process smoother and more manageable for everyone involved.

When choosing between divorce mediation and litigation, the decision should be based on your unique circumstances. Masters Law Group offers guidance and a compassionate approach to divorce and mediation, helping you find the best path forward for you and your family. Whether mediation or litigation, the goal is to achieve a resolution allowing everyone to move forward.

Contact us today to set up your complimentary consultation.

Oak Brook Divorce Attorney

If you are facing divorce in Oak Brook, Illinois, or the surrounding suburbs, you’ll want the support and guidance of a local skilled divorce attorney to navigate the process.

Divorce is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging transitions, impacting not only the separating couple but also their family and loved ones, especially any children involved. In this blog, we’ll discuss the role of a local Illinois divorce attorney and how they can assist you through the new year and beyond. Here’s what you need to know.

Navigating Divorce in Oak Brook, Illinois

When you’re confronted with divorce in Oak Brook, Illinois, seeking the assistance of a knowledgeable and local divorce attorney is essential. Oak Brook residents can consistently depend on trusted divorce attorneys to embrace these changes with compassion and support. Our team of dedicated Oak Brook divorce attorneys is dedicated to remaining up-to-date with any alterations in divorce laws, helping to ensure that your case is treated in a professional manner and follows the most recent Illinois laws and legislations.

We celebrate the diversity of family structures in our community, understanding that families come in various shapes and sizes. This includes same-sex couples, blended families, and more. Our Oak Brook divorce attorneys are here to support you.

Moreover, we’re attuned to the growing preference for less adversarial approaches to divorce, such as mediation and collaborative methods. Our attorneys are here to be your dedicated guides through these alternative dispute resolution processes, helping you achieve a more amicable resolution that respects your unique circumstances and ensures a friendlier path forward. 

Oak Brook, Il Legal Separation

legal separation is an alternative option for individuals with religious concerns or insurance issues who may be discouraged from seeking a formal divorce. A legal separation could be the preferred course of action.  With a legal separation, many of the same issues determined in a divorce can be adjudicated, but without the finality of a legal divorce being granted.

This approach allows couples to establish specific terms related to property division, spousal support, child custody, visitation, and child support. Legal separation protects both parties, as they can enforce the terms outlined in the separation agreement through court orders.

Oak Brook, Il Civil Union Divorce

Civil unions offer a legal framework for two adults, regardless of gender, to form a recognized relationship. When it comes to establishing or dissolving a civil union, unique challenges can emerge. Therefore, having a knowledgeable Oak Brook Divorce Attorney by your side is crucial to navigate every step effectively.

Dissolving a civil union closely resembles that of dissolving a marriage. In Illinois, any couple seeking to dissolve their civil union has the legal right to do so. To obtain a certified copy of the Dissolution of Civil Union records, interested couples should visit the county circuit court clerk’s office where their civil union was originally granted.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Divorce in Oak Brook, Il

1. What are the grounds for divorce in Oak Brook, Illinois?

  • You can file for divorce in Illinois on fault-based and no-fault grounds. No-fault grounds typically involve “irreconcilable differences,” where the marriage has broken down beyond repair. Fault-based grounds can include adultery, abandonment, and cruelty.

2. How long does the divorce process usually take in Illinois?

  • The duration of a divorce case varies depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the issues involved and the court caseload. On average, it may take several months to over a year to finalize a divorce in Oak Brook. 

3. Can I modify my parenting plan or spousal support orders in Oak Brook, Illinois?

  • Yes, it is possible to modify support orders if there has been a significant change in circumstances, such as a change in income, employment, or the child’s needs. However, you must go through the proper legal process to make these changes.

While our frequently asked questions are for informational purposes, they should not replace legal advice tailored to your specific situation. Working with an Oak Brook divorce attorney can give you the proper personalized advice based on your unique situation.

Working With Masters Law Group 

If you’re currently residing in Illinois and seeking a divorce attorney to assist you in finalizing your divorce, Masters Law Group is here to provide the support you need. Our team of experienced divorce attorneys and mediators is fully prepared to advocate for you and your family.

Erin E. Masters and Anthony G. Joseph have consistently earned recognition from esteemed publications year after year (including Best Lawyers, Best Law Firm, Top 100 Lawyers and Leading Lawyers), a testament to their unwavering work ethic, strong character, and experience in family law. Our track record of success reassures you have a trustworthy ally throughout your divorce proceedings.

If you’re searching for further guidance and answers to questions about divorce, legal separation, child support, or any related family law matters in Oak Brook and its surrounding areas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Splitting Digital Assets in Divorce

In an age where our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, the division of assets during a divorce has taken on a new dimension. As we enter 2024, “digital assets” have become a significant consideration in divorce proceedings. 

These assets encompass various digital properties, from cryptocurrencies to digital media collections and online businesses. In this blog, we’ll explore the complexities and challenges of splitting digital assets in divorce for 2024. Here’s what you need to know.

Defining Digital Assets

In divorce proceedings, the concept of digital assets has introduced a new layer of complexity. As couples navigate the intricacies of separating their lives, digital assets have become a significant factor to consider. Digital assets encompass any property or wealth existing solely in the digital realm. Here are a few key areas to consider:

  • Cryptocurrencies: In light of the surging popularity of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, divorcing couples may encounter the challenge of dividing their digital currency holdings.
  • Online Businesses: Couples who have established or invested in online businesses, such as e-commerce platforms or software startups, must grapple with dividing their digital business assets.
  • Social Media and Online Accounts: Contentious issues may arise regarding access and control over social media accounts, email accounts, and other online profiles.

Understanding the specific complexities of each category is essential. Addressing these digital assets is crucial to achieving fair and equitable divorce settlements in the digital age.

Challenges in Splitting Digital Assets

During the process of a pending divorce, it’s crucial for both you and your spouse to take inventory of all your digital assets, much like you would with physical ones. Each party should compile a comprehensive list of everything categorized as marital property. Here are a few things to consider: 

  • Valuation: Determining the value of digital assets can be challenging, as their worth is often subjective and volatile. Cryptocurrency values, for instance, can fluctuate significantly.
  • Ownership: Establishing ownership of digital assets can be complex. Cryptocurrencies might be held in hidden wallets, and online businesses may have multiple stakeholders.
  • Privacy and Security: Access to digital assets often requires sensitive information, such as private keys for cryptocurrency wallets or login credentials for online accounts. Sharing this information can pose privacy and security risks.
  • Tax Implications: Transferring digital assets between spouses may have tax consequences, depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the assets involved.

Digital asset division laws and regulations can vary significantly from state to state. This can add complexity to the divorce process. Working with an experienced divorce attorney can help you understand the digital asset division.

Understanding Asset Division in Illinois

If you suspect that your spouse may be concealing cryptocurrency assets, there are steps you can take to investigate the matter thoroughly. In divorce proceedings, fully and honestly disclosing all assets, including cryptocurrencies, is crucial. In Illinois, dividing cryptocurrency assets follows a process similar to any other marital property.

Illinois does not adhere to the community property principle. Instead, the court will equitably distribute assets purchased, converted, or appraised during the marriage. It is important to understand that equitable does not necessarily mean equal; various factors are taken into account in determining the distribution, including:

  • Age, health, and financial circumstances of each spouse.
  • Contributions made to the marital estate.
  • Obligations related to previous marriages, as ordered by the court.
  • Considerations regarding child custody.
  • Pre and post-nuptial agreements.
  • Tax implications.
  • Duration of the marriage.
  • Alimony arrangements.

If you ever find yourself uncertain about the ownership of assets, seeking legal counsel is recommended to help ensure everything is clear.

Working With a Divorce Attorney

Working with a divorce attorney experienced in splitting digital assets can be a game-changer for individuals going through a divorce in 2024. Divorce attorneys understand the complexities of digital assets so that nothing is left to chance during asset division proceedings.  

At Masters Law Group, our experienced attorneys can help you with the following: 

  • Professional Assistance: Consult with financial experts and lawyers experienced in dealing with digital assets. They can help assess these assets’ value, ownership, and tax implications.
  • Negotiation and Mediation: Amicable negotiations can help couples reach mutually agreeable solutions for dividing digital assets without litigation.
  • Court Intervention: In cases where spouses cannot agree on the division of digital assets, a court may step in and decide based on applicable laws and regulations.

From cryptocurrencies’ volatile valuations to online businesses’ intricate web of ownership rights, our divorce attorneys can provide valuable guidance in assessing digital holdings’ value, ownership, and tax implications.

Final Thoughts

As we navigate the digital age, the division of digital assets has emerged as a crucial aspect of divorce proceedings. For couples facing separation in 2024, it’s essential to recognize the challenges and complexities associated with splitting digital assets. 

Let Masters Law Group provide transparency so you can work towards a fair and equitable distribution of your digital assets. Our skilled attorneys, serving communities across Chicago and the suburbs of Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, and Oakbrook, offer experience and insights into digital assets and divorce, helping you navigate this complex process.

Contact us today to set up your complimentary consultation.

How a Divorce Attorney Can Help Achieve Peace

Divorce can be one of life’s most challenging and emotionally taxing experiences. However, it doesn’t have to be a battleground filled with anger, resentment, and endless legal battles.

A peaceful divorce is possible if both parties are willing to work together and prioritize communication, compromise on conflicting preferences, and focus on the emotional well-being of their children. Here, we will explore tips to help you achieve a harmonious divorce, all with the guidance of a seasoned divorce attorney. Here’s what you need to know.

Maintain Open and Honest Communication

At the heart of any peaceful divorce lies open and honest communication. Both partners must work together to communicate their feelings, concerns, and expectations. Doing so can help establish a foundation of trust and clarity that goes a long way in preventing misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

Consider involving a mediator, therapist, and/or divorce attorney if you encounter difficult conversations or find communicating challenging. These professionals can provide guidance and a neutral environment to facilitate productive discussions, ultimately helping both parties work towards fair and mutually agreeable resolutions.

Remember that a commitment to open and honest communication benefits you and your ex. It creates a more stable and supportive environment for any children involved, as they can witness healthy conflict resolution and cooperation during a challenging time.

Consider Mediation

Opting for mediation instead of a traditional courtroom battle can significantly reduce stress and promote cooperation. The mediator’s role is to facilitate the negotiation process, help both parties understand each other’s perspectives, and explore alternative options for resolving disputes. The mediator does not make any decisions for either party but instead reinforces they have equal opportunities to voice their opinions and arrive at a mutually agreeable outcome.

Mediation can be an effective option for couples willing to work together and compromise to achieve a positive outcome. It’s particularly useful for couples who have children, as it can help reduce the stress and trauma that children often experience during a divorce. A divorce attorney can represent you during these processes, working to reach a fair and mutually acceptable settlement with your spouse. 

Prioritize the Well-being of Your Children

If you have children, their well-being should be your top priority. Maintain a united front when it comes to co-parenting decisions. Create a comprehensive parenting plan that outlines responsibilities, schedules, and guidelines. Keep children out of adult conflicts and reassure them of your love and support.

Whether it’s parenting time, asset division, or spousal support, your divorce attorney will help that your voice is heard and that the court’s decision is fair and aligned with your best interests. Furthermore, during court proceedings, your divorce attorney can address unexpected challenges and legal objections and help ensure that all legal procedures are followed diligently. 

Their presence in court assures you that you have a dedicated legal professional fighting on your behalf, helping you navigate the complexities of the judicial process during an emotionally challenging time.

Seek Emotional Support

Going through a divorce can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved. It’s vital to recognize the emotional toll it can take and take proactive steps to seek emotional support. You can turn to friends family members, or consider getting help from a therapist to assist you in coping with the stress and grief that comes with the divorce process. Prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of achieving a peaceful divorce.

Letting go of anger and resentment is a cornerstone of a peaceful divorce. Instead of harboring feelings of revenge or striving to “win” the divorce, focus on achieving fairness and equity for both parties. Getting the help of an experienced divorce attorney can help you further embrace these principles and lead to a more constructive and less acrimonious divorce process.

Work With A Divorce Attorney

If you’re currently residing in Illinois and seeking a divorce attorney to assist you in finalizing your divorce, Masters Law Group is here to provide the support you need. Our team of experienced divorce attorneys and mediators is fully prepared to advocate for you and your family.

Erin E. Masters and Anthony G. Joseph have consistently earned recognition from esteemed publications year after year, a testament to their unwavering work ethic, strong character, and experience in family law. Our track record of success reassures you have a trustworthy ally throughout your divorce proceedings.


We believe each client deserves a legal team willing to go the extra mile. We will always provide honest advice and guidance on all matters related to your case.

Client Reviews:

“ Masters Law Group was incredibly helpful with my divorce. Erin and Anthony were a pleasure; they were very responsive, efficient, and very knowledgeable. I always felt that my case was in good hands, and it was a relief to trust them with the process. I highly recommend Masters Law Group to anyone needing help with a family law matter.”

-Luz G.

Divorce Client


“I highly recommend Masters Law Group. This was a very long and drawn-out divorce. Still, Erin and Anthony always seemed to be one step ahead of the opposing counsel, and nothing was a surprise, only anticipated with appropriate protections in my favor. I was able to finalize my divorce on favorable terms and am very happy with the outcome. I can’t thank Erin and Anthony enough for their patience, understanding, and expertise throughout this difficult time.”

-Giancarlo B.

Divorce Client

Final Thoughts

A peaceful divorce becomes achievable when both parties commit to open communication and cooperation—placing the well-being of all involved, especially children, at the forefront. Keep in mind that divorce is a journey, and with the right mindset and support, you can navigate it to pave the way for a brighter future for everyone.

If you’re ready to begin your journey toward a peaceful divorce, contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Parental Child Abduction Precautions

The end of the year can be an emotionally taxing time, especially after a recent divorce or separation. However, it’s important to recognize this period can also be marked by increased worries about parental child abduction.

Parental child abduction involves one parent unlawfully taking their child without the consent of the other parent. This often results in a traumatic experience for all parties involved. In this blog, we will highlight the importance of holiday precautions to mitigate the risk of parental child abduction. Let’s delve into what you should know during this critical time.

Understanding Parental Child Abduction

Parental child abduction is a heart-wrenching scenario that unfolds when one parent takes their child across international or state borders without the consent of the other parent or in violation of a custody order. The end of the year is a time when parents should be vigilant. This is a time that can get hectic, especially with the holidays. Given the intricate nature of parental child abduction and its profound emotional impact, protecting your family from such a traumatic experience is of utmost importance. Let’s delve into some scenarios where parental child abduction can potentially occur.

Common Motivations for Parental Child Abduction

The holiday season can sometimes exacerbate the factors that drive parental child abduction, making it even more important to prioritize communication and legal protection during this time. Parental child abduction can have various motivations, but one common factor is changes in parenting or visitation rights. In fact, in as many as 65% of cases, abductions occur shortly after a parent’s rights in this regard have been modified.

Regardless of the motivations, parental child abduction can have severe consequences for the parties involved. Some other common factors that can drive a parent to abduct their child include:

  • Custody Disputes: Parents embroiled in heated custody battles may see abduction as a way to gain a strategic advantage in court proceedings.
  • Relocation Desires: Sometimes, a parent may desire to relocate with their child to a different area, often to sever the child’s connection with the other parent.
  • Family Conflicts: Disagreements and conflicts within extended families can occasionally escalate to the point where one parent attempts to abduct the child as a means of retaliation or control.

Understanding these motivations is crucial in preventing and addressing parental child abduction, as it allows for better preparation and intervention when needed.

Preventing Parental Child Abduction

Preventing parental child abduction requires vigilance, communication, and the implementation of practical precautions. Here are some crucial steps you can take to protect your child during the year-end holidays:

  • The continuity of the parent-child relationship is typically in the child’s best interest.
  • The needs of children change and grow as they mature.
  • Custodial parents make daily decisions (including emergencies) while the child is with that particular parent.
  • Both parents are to have access to a child’s official records.

A parenting plan will give you and your child an added layer of protection should they be abducted. If you have concerns about potential abduction, notify law enforcement and relevant legal authorities. They can provide guidance and take action if necessary. It’s always best to consult an experienced family law attorney regarding effective travel consent letters and their limitations.

Working with a Child Abduction Lawyer

Dealing with parental child abduction, whether within the U.S. or internationally, presents significant challenges for parents and children. Seeking legal assistance is crucial in effectively navigating parental child abduction cases. When you partner with an experienced child abduction attorney, such as those at Masters Law Group, you gain the support needed to advocate for your family’s best interests. 

  • Enforcing Court Orders: If the other parent violates existing custody or visitation orders, your attorney can help you take legal action to enforce these orders.
  • Counseling and Emotional Support: Child abduction cases can be emotionally challenging for both parents and children. A compassionate child abduction attorney understands the emotional toll and can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process.
  • International Legal Network: Attorneys with experience in international child abduction cases often have extensive legal contacts worldwide. This network can be invaluable in tracking down abducting parents and ensuring that international laws are upheld.
  • Parental Reunification: In cases where a child has been taken across international borders, your attorney can facilitate the Hague Convention.

Working with a child abduction attorney is essential when dealing with parental child abduction cases. These professionals bring legal experience, emotional support, and a deep understanding of the complexities. With their help, you can better navigate the legal system and work toward a resolution that protects your family’s well-being.

Final Thoughts

Parental child abduction is a distressing issue that can have lifelong consequences for children and their left-behind parents. As we approach the year-end holiday season, families must prioritize the safety and well-being of their children.

With a strong focus on assisting clients in Chicago and Chicago’s Western Suburbs (Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, Oakbrook), Masters Law Group offers various services to help families through difficult times like Divorce and parental child abduction.

If you require legal assistance, contact a member of our legal team today. Our attorneys will work with you to develop an appropriate action plan for your unique needs and goals. We will work diligently on your behalf and provide regular updates.

Contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.

DuPage Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a challenging process that can impact all aspects of your life. With so many divorce attorneys to choose from, it can be difficult trying to figure out which one is right for you. If you are facing a divorce in DuPage County, Illinois, here’s what you need to know.

DuPage County, located in the western suburbs of Chicago, is one of the most populous counties in Illinois. Known for its diverse communities, thriving economy, and excellent schools, DuPage County is a great place to live. However, divorce remains a common occurrence. In this blog, we’ll explore the critical role that a DuPage Divorce Attorney plays in helping individuals and families navigate the complexities of divorce. 

How To Pick The Right Divorce Attorney

Divorce can stir up a wide range of emotions, including sadness, relief, and even grief. In 2023, the top three factors for getting a divorce were:

  • 43% Lack of Family Support.
  • 34% Infidelity or extramarital affairs.
  • 31% Lack of compatibility.

While these numbers are stark, it’s important to know that there are attorneys out there who have your best interest. When choosing a DuPage County divorce lawyer, reliability and effective communication are key. Building a strong rapport is essential, as divorce cases can be lengthy. While their primary focus should be experience in family law, you must trust and respect their professional advice and feel comfortable working with them.

Take the time to identify your priorities, whether child custody, financial stability, or other critical aspects of your divorce. Knowing what you want and need will empower you to make the right choice when selecting a DuPage Divorce Attorney who aligns with your goals and can skillfully advocate for your interests throughout the divorce process.

Choosing Divorce Legal Experience

One of the primary roles of a DuPage Divorce Attorney is to provide clients with legal guidance. They are well-versed in Illinois divorce laws and can help you understand your rights and responsibilities. Whether your divorce is amicable or contentious, having an attorney who understands the intricacies of divorce law is valuable. Emotions can run high during a divorce, making it challenging to make rational decisions. A skilled attorney can provide objective advice and help you focus on your long-term goals. They can help you prioritize property division, child custody, and spousal support, ensuring your interests are protected.

Factor In Negotiation and Mediation

Mediation can be an effective way to settle a divorce case without needing a lengthy and expensive court battle. The mediator’s role is to facilitate the negotiation process, help both parties understand each other’s perspectives, and explore alternative options for resolving disputes. The mediator does not make any decisions for either party but instead reinforces they have equal opportunities to voice their opinions and arrive at a mutually agreeable outcome.

Mediation can be an effective option for couples willing to work together and compromise to achieve a positive outcome. It’s particularly useful for couples who have children, as it can help reduce the stress and trauma that children often experience during a divorce. A DuPage Divorce Attorney can represent you during these processes, working to reach a fair and mutually acceptable settlement with your spouse. 

Court Representation Experience

When handling your divorce case, a DuPage Divorce Attorney can be your strongest advocate in the courtroom. Their role here is pivotal as they navigate the complexities of litigation to protect your rights and interests. A skilled litigator has the experience to present your case effectively before the judge. They meticulously prepare legal arguments, gather evidence, and strategically plan to secure the most favorable outcome for you.

Whether it’s matters of child custody, asset division, or spousal support, your attorney will help that your voice is heard and that the court’s decision is not only fair but also aligned with your best interests. Furthermore, during court proceedings, your attorney can address unexpected challenges and legal objections and help ensure that all legal procedures are followed diligently. Their presence in court provides you with the assurance that you have a dedicated legal professional fighting on your behalf, helping you navigate the complexities of the judicial process during what can be an emotionally challenging time.

Working With A DuPage Divorce Attorney

If you’re looking for a top lawyer in Illinois, consider working with the skilled DuPage divorce attorneys at Masters Law Group. Our divorce attorneys are ready to skillfully advocate for your position and provide your voice when needed.

Our firm has earned a top spot on the list of Best Law Firms 2023 by Best Lawyers® and U.S. News & World Report, and we are highly esteemed and respected by leading peer review publications such as Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and Leading Lawyers. 

Furthermore, our senior attorneys, Erin E. Masters and Anthony G. Joseph, have been recognized by these prestigious publications year after year, showcasing their strong work ethic, character, and skill in family law, guaranteeing you have someone you can trust during your divorce.

If you seek answers to questions regarding divorce, separation, mediation, and other family law matters in DuPage County, contact Chicagoland’s premier family law group here today to schedule a consultation.


Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have recently entered into mediation to address custody matters and establish a parenting plan for their children. The legal representatives for the couple revealed that both parties would engage in a four-day mediation session.

While Judge Katherine Polk Failla had set a trial date for January 2, the mediation process could potentially resolve a significant portion of Turner and Jonas’ custody disputes. During a recent court appearance, Stephen Cullen, Turner’s attorney, asserted that Jonas is seeking joint custody, expressing a desire for a balanced 50-50 arrangement. 

How it Started: The Hague Convention

Actress Sophie Turner initiated a Hague Convention petition claiming her estranged husband, singer and actor Joe Jonas, ‘will not consent’ for their children to ‘return’ to England with her via The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

Best known for playing Sansa Stark on HBO’s Game of Thrones, Turner said in her petition that the couple had planned to raise their daughters in her native country. It also said the girls “are both fully involved and integrated in all aspects of daily and cultural life in England”.

International family law can be complex and challenging, especially concerning child custody disputes. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction, aka The Hague Convention, is an international treaty that protects children from parental abduction across international borders.

The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980 Hague Convention) is a multilateral treaty that establishes proceedings for the prompt return of children who have been wrongfully removed or kept away from their home country. Currently, there are 101 Contracting States to the Hague Convention. Including the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Significance of Mediation

The decision to pursue mediation comes after Turner’s legal action against her estranged husband, where she sued him for wrongful retention. The complaint against the musician demanded the “immediate return of children wrongfully removed or wrongfully retained,” with Turner’s legal team contending that this “wrongful retention” had begun on September 20, according to PEOPLE.

In response to Turner’s complaint, Jonas countered by expressing his disagreement with her claims, asserting that they had previously reached an agreement to collaborate on a co-parenting plan. Mediation, in essence, operates like having a peacemaker, known as a mediator, who facilitates constructive dialogue and guides individuals in dispute toward a mutually acceptable resolution.

This approach proves especially valuable for parents navigating the challenges of divorce or separation. Mediation provides a nurturing and non-adversarial environment where parents can address issues related to their children and the arrangements for their care.

Now, let’s delve deeper into how mediation can deliver benefits in high-profile cases like this and the everyday scenarios that many families encounter.

Privacy Preservation

One of the key benefits of mediation is the preservation of privacy. Mediation takes place behind closed doors, shielding sensitive family matters from the prying eyes of the media and the public. In traditional courtroom battles, the personal and often intimate details of a family’s life are exposed as evidence is presented, and testimonies are heard. In contrast, mediation focuses on resolving issues without delving into the nitty-gritty of personal lives. This helps protect the privacy and dignity of the parties involved, allowing them to maintain control over what remains private and what is disclosed.

High-profile couples like Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas often attract media attention, and their personal lives become fodder for tabloids and social media. They can minimize the sensationalism and public spectacle surrounding their family matters by choosing mediation. This benefits the couple and helps shield their child from unnecessary public scrutiny.

Maintaining Control

Mediation empowers parents to maintain control over the outcome of their custody and parenting arrangements. This open dialogue can be invaluable in addressing concerns and resolving conflicts constructively. Parents can voice their perspectives, express their desires, and collaboratively explore compromises through mediation. 

Families are dynamic and ever-evolving entities. What works today may not be suitable tomorrow. Mediation acknowledges this reality and allows for adjustments to the parenting plan over time. Parents can return to mediation to revise their arrangements as children grow and circumstances change. This adaptability is a significant asset, ensuring the parenting plan remains relevant and effective throughout the child’s development.

Child-Centered Approach

Regardless of the case’s profile, it’s imperative to maintain a child-centered approach throughout legal proceedings. Mediation helps foster an environment where parents are encouraged to set aside their differences and collaborate for the betterment of their children. Mediation promotes open communication and cooperative problem-solving rather than resorting to adversarial court battles.

This child-centered approach often yields more sustainable and child-friendly solutions. It allows parents to tailor agreements that best suit their children’s needs and circumstances. By focusing on the well-being and future of the children involved, we aim to provide legal guidance and a compassionate and holistic approach to resolving family disputes.

Challenges and Considerations

While mediation offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to recognize that it may not be suitable for every case. In such cases, litigation might be the only recourse to protect their children’s best interests. It’s worth noting that each family’s circumstances are unique, and the choice between mediation and litigation should be carefully considered. Ultimately, the goal is to find the most appropriate and effective means of resolving disputes while safeguarding the welfare of the children involved.

Last Thoughts

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s decision to pursue mediation to address their custody issues and parenting plan is commendable. It showcases their commitment to providing their children with a stable and loving environment while preserving their privacy and control. Mediation can be a valuable tool for all parents, whether in the public eye or not.

Ultimately, the success of Sophie and Joe’s mediation will depend on their willingness to collaborate and prioritize their children’s needs. Regardless of the outcome, their choice to pursue mediation sets a positive example for others facing similar challenges. Sophie and Joe are setting the example that child-centered solutions are achievable, even in the spotlight of Hollywood.

A trial date has been set for just after the new year on Jan. 2. Turner’s lawyer Stephen Cullen hopes the trial will “proceed in parallel track to [the] mediation,” according to the outlet.

Read the full People article here. 


Keeping yourself informed about legal developments is crucial, especially in areas as intricate as divorce mediation and parenting time conflicts. The Jonas/Turner case is just one example of the complex issues that can arise in these matters.

By staying updated with Masters Law Group, you empower yourself with the knowledge to help you make informed decisions about your legal situation. Our commitment to providing timely updates and insights aims to support you in your journey through the legal landscape.


Alimony and Asset Division in Divorce

As couples navigate the challenging path of divorce, alimony and asset division are critical aspects that demand attention. But divorce laws differ by state. Here’s what you need to know about divorce proceedings and asset division in the state of Illinois. 

Asset division plays a significant role in determining the financial future of both parties involved. In this blog, we will explore the concepts of alimony and asset division in divorce, shedding light on how they work and what factors influence their outcomes. Here’s what you should know.

Alimony: Providing Financial Support

Alimony is a financial arrangement where one spouse provides financial support to the other after a divorce or separation. Its primary goal is to help financially disadvantaged spouses maintain a standard of living to what they enjoyed during the marriage. Alimony can be temporary or permanent, depending on various factors. Here’s a look at some of the factors that are considered:

  • Income Disparity: The most critical factor in determining alimony is the income disparity. If one spouse earns significantly more than the other, they may be required to provide financial support.
  • Duration of Marriage: Longer marriages often result in higher alimony awards. The courts typically consider the marriage’s impact on the dependent spouse’s career and financial prospects.
  • Contributions to the Marriage: Courts also consider the contributions of each spouse to the marriage, both financial and non-financial. This includes homemaking, childcare, and support for the other spouse’s career.
  • Parental Agreements: Parental responsibilities are arrangements that can affect alimony, as the custodial parent may receive more support due to increased expenses related to raising children.

Asset Division: Splitting the Marital Pie

Asset division involves dividing the marital property and debts between spouses fairly and equitably. It’s essential to understand that the goal is not necessarily to divide everything equally but rather fairly, considering the unique circumstances of the marriage. Determining a fair and equitable division of assets can be intricate and contentious, especially when significant assets are involved. Here are some factors that influence asset division:

  • Property Ownership: Marital property typically includes assets acquired during the marriage, such as homes, cars, bank accounts, and investments. These are subject to division. Separate property, acquired before the marriage or through inheritance, is generally exempt.
  • Duration of Marriage: The length of the marriage can impact asset division. Longer marriages often result in a more equitable division of assets.
  • Custodial Arrangements: Parental responsibilities can influence asset division as they affect the financial responsibilities of each spouse towards their children.
  • Future Needs: The court also considers the future financial needs of each spouse. For example, if one spouse is financially dependent and unable to support themselves, they may receive a more significant share of assets.

Marital Vs. Separate Property

In the context of divorce, understanding the distinction between marital and separate property is key. The marital property encompasses assets acquired during the marriage, regardless of which spouse’s name is on the title. This includes income earned, real estate purchased, and investments made during the marriage. Marital property is generally subject to division between the spouses during divorce proceedings.

In contrast, the separate property comprises assets acquired before the marriage or received as gifts or inheritances during the marriage but designated as separate. These assets typically remain with the individual who owns them and are not subject to division. Recognizing and understanding the differences between the two is crucial for a fair and equitable distribution of assets during the divorce process. Working alongside a seasoned family law attorney can help you protect your rights and interests.

Illinois Asset Division

When couples get a divorce in Illinois, the courts don’t split everything down the middle like in certain other states. Instead, Illinois follows a more intricate approach called “equitable distribution.” Here’s how it works:

  1. Contribution to the Marriage: The court looks at what each spouse brought to the marriage, both in terms of money and non-money contributions like taking care of the home or children.
  2. Duration of the Marriage: How long the marriage lasted matters, as it can affect how assets are divided.
  3. Economic Circumstances: Each spouse’s financial situation, including income and needs, is considered.
  4. Non-Marital Property: Things owned before marriage or received as gifts or inheritance during marriage may not be split.
  5. Custodial Arrangements: If there are kids, the court looks at custody and how it impacts finances.
  6. Spousal Support (Alimony): Whether one spouse needs support payments is factored in.
  7. Tax Consequences: Taxes resulting from asset division are also considered to make things fair.
  8. Wasteful Dissipation: If one spouse recklessly spends or wastes money, it can affect the division.
  9. Future Needs: The court thinks about what each person will need down the road, especially if one is in a tougher spot after the divorce.
  10. Agreements: Any agreements made before or during the marriage, like prenups, are taken into account if they meet legal standards.

Remember, “equitable distribution” doesn’t always mean a perfect 50/50 split. It’s about creating a fair and just arrangement based on each family’s unique situation. This process can be tricky, so it’s a good idea to work with a skilled family law attorney to help ensure your rights are protected during asset division in Illinois.

How a Divorce Attorney Can Help

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged journey that often requires the guidance of seasoned family law professionals. At Masters Law Group, our experienced family law attorneys are here to provide valuable assistance, helping to ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children remain at the forefront of every decision. Here are some crucial areas where we can help guide you:

  • Parenting Time: If you have children, it’s essential to work closely with your attorney to determine the most suitable arrangements for child custody and visitation. We aim to help create arrangements prioritizing your children’s well-being and best interests.
  • Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution: We encourage exploring options like mediation and collaborative divorce, which can facilitate mutually beneficial agreements outside the courtroom. Our family law attorneys will skillfully guide you through these processes, representing your interests, and helping to secure a smoother negotiation experience.
  • Post-Divorce Modifications: Life can bring unexpected changes even after the divorce is finalized. Circumstances may arise that require modifications to parental responsibilities, visitation, or support arrangements. Our attorneys are here to assist you in addressing these changes promptly and effectively, safeguarding your rights and the interests of your children.

Remember, family law professionals are your allies during this challenging time. By collaborating with a trusted family law attorney, you can confidently navigate the complexities of divorce and reduce the stress associated with the process. Your rights and the well-being of your family are our top priorities.

Last Thoughts

Understanding what alimony and asset division entails can help you in the long run regarding divorce proceedings. At Masters Law Group, you can rest assured knowing you are consulting with trusted and experienced legal professionals. Our family law attorneys can help protect your rights and interests during this challenging time. 

With a focus on helping clients residing in the Cook, Will, Lake, and Dupage counties, our practice is committed to providing a comprehensive suite of services to support parents, children, and families during challenging periods like divorce.

Get in touch with us today and schedule your complimentary consultation.

The Era of Cryptocurrency Divorce

Cryptocurrency divorce is a new phenomenon sweeping the nation and the globe. If you are facing these unchartered waters, an experienced family law attorney is a must.

The rise of the cryptocurrency market has seen exponential growth, which has led to the less navigated world of cryptocurrency divorce.

Crypto assets are notoriously difficult to trace and control, and the legal landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies is still full of gray areas, making them complex to handle in divorce proceedings. At Masters Law Group, we understand the complexities of uncovering hidden assets, such as cryptocurrencies.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through everything you need about crypto assets in divorce cases to ensure a fair settlement. Here’s what you should know.

Understanding Cryptocurrency 

Cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency, utilizes cryptographic technology to secure transactions and verify the transfer of assets. Initially attractive for its anonymous transactions, it has evolved to become widely used for everyday purposes such as bill payments and online purchases. According to a recent NBC News poll, approximately 20% of Americans have engaged in cryptocurrency investments, trading, or usage, showcasing its growing presence in the financial landscape. Notably, the demographic group with the highest participation comprises men aged 18 to 49.

While Bitcoin remains the most well-known cryptocurrency, the market has seen the rise of other digital currencies, such as:

These alternatives have gained popularity due to their unique features and potential for diverse applications beyond financial transactions. As the world becomes more familiar with cryptocurrency and its benefits, its integration into various aspects of daily life will likely continue expanding. Let’s look at how crypto affects divorces across the United States.

Why Cryptocurrencies Matter in Divorce

Cryptocurrencies have emerged as a noteworthy factor in financial settlements during divorce proceedings. However, with the rising popularity and widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies, more divorce cases involve these digital assets. CNBC recently reported that in 2023, crypto played a significant percentage in divorces that ranged from 20% to 50%.

As the landscape of financial assets evolves, it becomes essential for divorcing couples and their legal representatives to stay informed about cryptocurrencies and their implications in the division of assets. Failure to address these digital assets adequately during divorce proceedings may lead to complications and disagreements in determining fair settlements.

Cryptocurrencies’ decentralized nature and relative anonymity can make it challenging to track and value them accurately, complicating the delicate process of dividing marital property. Additionally, sudden price fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market can significantly affect the overall value of a couple’s assets, further complicating matters.

Asset Division In Illinois

If you suspect that your spouse may be concealing cryptocurrency assets, there are steps you can take to investigate the matter thoroughly. In divorce proceedings, fully and honestly disclosing all assets, including cryptocurrencies, is crucial. In Illinois, dividing cryptocurrency assets follows a similar process as any other marital property.

Illinois does not adhere to the community property principle. Instead, the court will distribute assets purchased, converted, or appraised during the marriage in an equitable manner. It is important to understand that equitable does not necessarily mean equal; various factors are taken into account in determining the distribution, including:

  • Age, health, and financial circumstances of each spouse.
  • Contributions made to the marital estate.
  • Obligations related to previous marriages, as ordered by the court.
  • Considerations regarding child custody.
  • Pre and post-nuptial agreements.
  • Tax implications.
  • Duration of the marriage.
  • Alimony arrangements.

If you ever find yourself uncertain about the ownership of assets, seeking legal counsel promptly is advisable to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.

Agreements on Dividing Crypto Assets

Dividing crypto in divorce cases can be challenging due to their fluctuating value. However, with careful consideration, the process can be made relatively straightforward. Here are some approaches to handle it:

  1. Simple Division: One party receives a portion of the cryptocurrency as it is at the time of the divorce.
  2. Custodial Holding: A third-party custodian receives and holds the share of cryptocurrency until the divorce is finalized.
  3. Cryptocurrency Owner Liquidation: The asset owner converts the other party’s share into cash based on the digital currency’s value on the day of the sale.
  4. Liquidation With No Claim Upon Remaining Cryptocurrency: Similar to option #3, both parties agree that the original owner retains full title to the remaining cryptocurrency.

It’s important to note that there are no loopholes in divorce proceedings concerning cryptocurrency. While courts are familiar with handling the volatility of traditional assets, cryptocurrency introduces a new level of complexity.

Work With Masters Law Group

Navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency asset division during a divorce in Illinois can be overwhelming. At Masters Law Group, we understand the intricacies involved and are here to assist you every step of the way. Our skilled attorneys, serving communities across Chicago and the suburbs of Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, and Oakbrook, offer experience and insights into the world of the crypto divorce and can help you navigate this complex process.

Whether you have inquiries about divorce proceedings or require guidance on discovering digital assets and asset division, we are ready to provide answers and support.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can support you through your crypto divorce.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During a Divorce

Divorce Mistakes can be minimized dramatically through proper preparation and avoiding pitfalls. If you’re facing an unsettling divorce situation, here are our top pitfalls to avoid. 

Divorce is difficult in many layers. It affects not only you and your spouse but your family and friends. With this in mind, minimizing the difficulties of divorce should be a top priority alongside the goals of your separation. But how do we go about reducing these challenges?

Beyond choosing a quality divorce firm and emotionally preparing yourself, there are many mistakes – that, if avoided – will make divorce much more accessible. Read on to learn common mistakes we’ve observed at Masters Law Group after years of counseling those seeking a divorce.

Not Talking to a Divorce Attorney

When looking to divorce, some will attempt to settle on their own. This may come from an idea of an “amicable approach,” but it can put you and your loved ones in a compromising position in the long term. Approximately half of all marriages end in divorce. Notably, this figure primarily applies to first marriages, of which about half result in dissolution. However, the failure rate for second and third marriages is significantly higher.

First and foremost, attempting divorce on your own removes experienced legal counsel from the equation, opening you up to variables that can negatively affect you. Things like asset division and custody of children have legal nuances that aren’t easily navigated. Avoid this mistake if you can. Seek quality legal counsel so that your life post-divorce is what you want.

Setting Unrealistic Goals & Timelines

The emotional aspect of divorce can often influence our approach to the process. Whether you’re the one seeking a divorce or it’s your former partner, you might feel that certain aspects are “unfair” or that the process should move faster than it is. One common problem that arises with unrealistic timelines is when a spouse becomes disgruntled and intentionally prolongs the process to cause financial or emotional harm to the other party.

This situation highlights the importance of having legal counsel that can remain emotionally detached from the divorce. Having such counsel will help you set appropriate timelines and realistic goals while providing you with an advocate who works at the highest level to achieve the best possible outcome.

Other Mistakes to Avoid

  • Dating: While everyone involved in the divorce wants to move on, dating can complicate an already difficult situation. It can create animosity with your former partner and may push them to make the divorce more complicated than need be.
  • Divorce Tunnel Vision: While getting wrapped up in your divorce is easy, it’s paramount to consider life after. Are you financially set and aware? Have you considered how to navigate the logistics of shared custody of children if it pertains to your situation? Consult with your financial advisor and legal counsel on these concerns.
  • Avoiding Negotiation: If you can communicate with your former partner, negotiation is always an ideal way to mediate. If you can do this, you can often avoid going to court. This will shorten the divorce process, limit costs and ultimately reduce stress on all involved.
  • Misleading Your Legal Counsel: Do your best to be truthful at the highest level. Any omission of facts, assets, or animosity between you and your former partner can affect divorce. If your legal counsel isn’t aware, these unforeseen challenges can derail a plan they’ve laid out. This can ultimately cost you more money and reduce the positive outcome of your goals.

Final Thoughts

Avoiding these mistakes and sidestepping potential challenges is your best course of action for a positive outcome in your divorce. Consequently, being unprepared or even attempting to divorce can lead you to these issues, causing emotional harm and potential financial and legal ramifications. 

At Masters Law Group, our firm’s mission is to solve your problems and achieve the best possible results for you and your loved ones. With a strong emphasis on serving clients in Chicago’s Western Suburbs, including Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, and Oakbrook, we offer a range of services designed to assist parents, children, and families during difficult times such as divorce, parenting time, and the allocation of parental responsibilities.

If you’re currently navigating a divorce, or considering one, schedule a consultation with us today to learn how we can help.