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Ask an Attorney: Top 4 Questions for Domestic Violence & Divorce

When domestic violence enters a marriage, it can significantly affect the divorce process, making it crucial to have a clear understanding of your legal rights and options. 

Nearly 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience severe intimate partner violence. Domestic violence is a widespread problem that touches people from all backgrounds. Its effects cause physical harm and emotional wounds that are endured for years. 

As we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month this October, it’s essential to understand your legal rights, especially when facing divorce. At Masters Law Group, our experienced divorce attorneys are here to answer the top four questions about domestic violence and divorce. Here’s what you need to know.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence involves a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. It can take many forms, including:

  • Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, choking, or any form of physical harm.
  • Emotional Abuse: Verbal attacks, manipulation, isolation, threats, and undermining a person’s sense of self-worth.
  • Sexual Abuse: Forcing a partner into sexual activity against their will.
  • Financial Abuse: Controlling or restricting a spouse’s access to financial resources.
  • Psychological Abuse: Intimidation, stalking, or constant threats.

Domestic violence is not limited to physical harm. Emotional and psychological abuse can be just as damaging, leaving long-term effects on the victim’s well-being. Recognizing the signs of domestic violence is the first step toward seeking help and protecting yourself and your family. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most commonly asked questions related to divorce and domestic violence.

1. What Effect Does Domestic Violence Have on the Divorce Rate?

Domestic violence—whether physical, emotional, or psychological—often leads to the breakdown of a marriage. Victims may feel unsafe, trapped, or unable to continue the relationship, pushing them toward divorce as a means of escape. Beyond the personal and emotional toll, domestic violence creates an environment of fear and control. This can make it impossible for the marriage to survive.

Research consistently shows that marriages affected by domestic violence have a significantly higher likelihood of ending in divorce. According to a survey published in the National Library of Medicine, 24% of divorces are directly attributed to domestic violence. In these situations, divorce can be a crucial step toward safety and healing for victims. Divorce can also offer legal protections, such as orders of protection. An order of protection can help survivors secure physical and emotional distance from their abuser. 

2. How Do You Prove Emotional Abuse in Divorce?

Proving emotional abuse in divorce can be challenging. However, it is not impossible. Emotional abuse can manifest in many ways, including isolation, manipulation, threats, verbal attacks, and controlling behavior. To prove emotional abuse in divorce proceedings, individuals can present various forms of evidence:

  • Documentation: Keep a journal or records detailing instances of emotional abuse, including dates, times, and descriptions of incidents.
  • Witness Testimony: Family members, friends, or colleagues who witnessed the abusive behavior can provide testimony.
  • Professional Reports: Reports from mental health professionals who have treated the victim for emotional distress can be valuable.
  • Text Messages/Emails: Written communications that show patterns of manipulation, threats, or degrading language can be powerful evidence in court.

An experienced divorce attorney can help victims gather and present this evidence to help ensure their voices are heard and their rights protected during divorce proceedings.

3. Does Emotional Abuse Affect Divorce Settlement?

Emotional abuse can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings, even in a no-fault state like Illinois. While proving abuse isn’t necessary to file for divorce, it can still influence important aspects of the settlement, particularly regarding parental responsibilities and financial arrangements. Here are two key ways emotional abuse may affect a divorce settlement.

Parental Responsibilities

Although Illinois no longer requires fault to be proven for divorce, it can still be relevant in determining how certain aspects of the divorce are resolved. In Illinois, the courts prioritize the child’s best interests when deciding parental responsibilities and parenting time. Emotional abuse—whether directed at the other spouse or the children—can heavily influence these decisions. 

If one spouse has been emotionally abusive, it is pertinent to how parenting time is allocated. This may lead to restrictions on visitation rights. These restrictions may include:

  • Supervised Visitation: The abusive parent may only be allowed supervised visits.
  • Counseling Requirements: The court may require counseling for the abusive parent before modifying visitation.

Financial Matters

Although Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, emotional abuse can still play a role in how the court views financial matters such as property division and spousal support. While judges typically focus on equitable division of assets, emotional abuse may influence these decisions in the following ways:

  • Property Division: In Illinois, the length of the marriage can impact how property is divided. If emotional abuse caused one spouse to leave the marriage prematurely, shortening its duration, this could affect the division of marital property. 
  • Prenuptial Agreements: Illinois courts generally uphold prenuptial agreements as long as they were entered fairly, with both parties having independent legal representation and full knowledge of each other’s finances. However, if there is evidence that a spouse was emotionally manipulated into signing the agreement, the court may invalidate or alter certain provisions.

If you’re facing emotional abuse in your marriage and are concerned about how it might affect your divorce settlement or parental responsibilities, it’s crucial to consult a divorce attorney.

4. What is Emotional Battered Wife Syndrome?

Emotional Battered Wife Syndrome describes the psychological impact of long-term emotional abuse within a marriage. While “battered wife” specifically refers to women, the syndrome can apply to anyone who has endured prolonged emotional abuse. Emotional Battered Wife Syndrome is characterized by:

  • Feelings of Helplessness: Victims may feel trapped in the relationship due to fear, shame, or economic dependence on their abuser.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Constant emotional abuse can erode the victim’s sense of self-worth, making it difficult for them to see a way out.
  • Denial or Minimization of Abuse: Victims often downplay or deny the severity of the abuse, convincing themselves it’s not “bad enough” to leave.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Many victims of emotional abuse suffer from symptoms of PTSD, including flashbacks, anxiety, and depression.

Understanding the psychological effects of emotional abuse is crucial in divorce cases involving domestic violence. A divorce attorney can help you navigate this complex situation and provide the legal support to secure your safety and well-being.

How Masters Law Group Can Help

At Masters Law Group, we understand how difficult it is to navigate divorce when domestic violence is involved. We are here to help you receive the protection and legal support you need to feel safe and secure. If you are living in DuPage County or the Greater Chicagoland Area, our divorce attorneys are ready to stand by your side and guide you through this challenging time. Here’s how our team can help:

  • Obtaining Orders of Protection: We can help you secure a restraining order to protect yourself and your children from your abuser.
  • Filing for Divorce: We guide you through the divorce process, helping ensure your rights are protected and advocating for your safety and well-being.
  • Parental Responsibilities Support: Domestic violence can heavily influence parental responsibilities. We fight for arrangements that prioritize the safety and best interests of the children involved.
  • Property Division: In cases involving domestic abuse, we seek fair and just division of assets, helping victims not suffer financially.

At Masters Law Group, we approach every case with compassion and determination. We understand how difficult it may be to escape an abusive situation, and that is why we are committed to standing by your side throughout the legal process.

Community Resources

The DuPage and Chicagoland areas offer a range of services for survivors of domestic violence. These organizations provide critical support:

  • Family Shelter Service offers comprehensive assistance, including emergency shelter, counseling, legal advocacy, and support groups, making it a vital resource for individuals and families in DuPage seeking safety and help.
  • The Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network serves as a resource hub, connecting survivors to shelters, counseling, and legal aid services throughout the city.
  • The Connections for Abused Women and their Children (CAWC) provides shelter, counseling, legal advocacy, and support services for families, along with a 24-hour hotline and emergency shelter.

These organizations, along with the Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline and the Domestic Violence Legal Clinic, form a strong network of support for survivors. They offer a range of services that can help individuals rebuild their lives.

Final Thoughts

Divorces involving domestic violence can be challenging, but you do not have to face this difficult time alone. At Masters Law Group, we understand the sensitive nature of these cases and are here to provide the legal support you need. As we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let us reaffirm our commitment to raising awareness and supporting survivors.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you protect your rights.

Every Parent’s Nightmare: International Parental Child Abduction

The thought of coming home from a long and hard day at the office only to discover that the unthinkable has happened – your foreign-born spouse has left the country and taken your child with them – is a devastating reality for a rising number of parents across the globe. If you are facing such a high-stakes and frightening scenario, here’s what you should know.

In this blog, we will explore five important pieces of information that help shed light on the legal, emotional, and practical aspects. Additionally, we’ll discuss how a child abduction attorney can be a lifeline in these challenging circumstances, offering advice and support throughout the process. 

1. Understanding International Parental Child Abduction

International parental child abduction occurs when one parent unlawfully takes their child from the other parent, often without legal authorization or against the court’s custody order. This act can lead to serious legal repercussions for the abducting parent. It’s crucial to recognize that parental child abduction constitutes a violation of both state and federal laws in many countries. 

There’s a common misconception that parental child abductions are less harmful because the child is with a parent or family member. However, legal systems typically view parental child abduction seriously, imposing consequences such as criminal charges, fines, and imprisonment for the abducting parent. Efforts are made to prioritize the child’s best interests and help ensure their safety in such circumstances.

2. Understanding its Impact on Families

According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 230,600* children are kidnapped by a family member each year. Several factors may contribute to international parental child abduction, including parental responsibility disputes, domestic violence, fear of losing access to the child, or cultural differences regarding parental rights. Abductions can occur during or after divorce or separation, and the motivations can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of each case.

When a child is taken, the emotional and psychological toll on them is profound. The sudden separation from one parent and the uncertainty of their well-being can lead to severe distress, affecting the child’s well-being and development for years to come. The abducting parent may face serious legal consequences, including criminal charges, fines, and the possibility of imprisonment. Moreover, their actions could significantly diminish their chances of obtaining parental responsibilities in future court proceedings. If you find yourself in this situation, getting help from a child abduction attorney can help you protect your child’s best interests.

3. Navigating International Parental Child Abduction Procedures

Being familiar with the legal procedures related to international parental child abduction is crucial for taking swift action. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is a key framework in addressing these cases.

The Hague Convention was enacted into law through the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (“ICARA”), which provides that a parent whose child has been wrongfully removed from or retained in the United States may petition for the child’s return to their country of habitual residence. This treaty involves over 91 countries and has designated Central Authorities from member countries to facilitate communication between nations handling abduction cases.

Child abduction attorneys with experience in international family law serve as valuable resources when navigating the Hague Convention. They can guide parents through the complexities of these procedures and help advocate for their children’s best interests.

4. Preventing Parental Child Abduction

Despite the existence of international treaties such as the Hague Convention, resolving cases of international parental child abduction can be challenging due to differing legal systems and varying interpretations of parental responsibilities. Some countries may not be part of the Hague Convention, making the recovery of abducted children more complex. Parents can take proactive steps to reduce the risk of abduction:

  • Establish a Parenting Plan: Without a parenting plan, no official documentation exists specifying where a child should be at any given time. This legal void can lead to situations where parents can, without repercussion, abandon their children or take them away without the explicit consent of the other parent, especially across international borders.
  • Document Parenting Arrangements: Keeping detailed records of parenting schedules can help resolve disputes and prevent the unauthorized removal of the child.
  • Establish Clear Communication: Maintain open and constructive communication with the other parent. Agree on communication methods and regular updates about the child’s well-being to foster trust and reduce conflict.

Consult a child abduction attorney to navigate complex legal situations across different jurisdictions. By taking proactive measures and staying informed, parents can significantly lower the risk of international parental child abduction and protect their children’s well-being.

5. How a Child Abduction Attorney Can Help

A child abduction attorney can be extremely helpful in cases involving the abduction of a child/children by one parent. When you partner with an experienced attorney, such as those at Masters Law Group, you gain the support needed to advocate for your family’s best interests. Here are some of the ways they can help:

Child abduction attorneys understand the emotional toll these cases can take on parents and children. With their help, you can better navigate the legal system and work toward a resolution protecting your family’s well-being.

Last Thoughts

International parental child abduction is a distressing reality faced by many families globally. The Hague Convention can be valuable for resolving abduction cases involving international borders and prioritizing their well-being. If you or someone you know is affected by this issue, seeking legal assistance and support is advised to navigate this area of international family law effectively. 

At Masters Law Group, our team of knowledgeable attorneys is here to help you through this process. Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph have extensive experience in cases involving international parental disputes in courts located in the State of Illinois and the United States federal court system. 

To learn more about our featured Hague Convention Decisions, see here:

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Divorce and Sexual Assault

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, shedding light on a sensitive topic often surrounded by silence and stigma. Within the broader context of family law, divorce can intersect with issues of family violence and sexual assault, requiring delicate legal handling. 

Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and assault in their lifetime. The effects of sexual assault and harassment can cause physical harm and emotional wounds that are endured for years.

In such instances, seeking assistance from a family law attorney can prove crucial for navigating the complexities of divorce and obtaining necessary protection orders. In today’s blog, we will explore the significance of legal support in these situations and how it can empower individuals to protect themselves and their families. Here’s what you need to know.


Sexual Assault Awareness Month serves the critical purposes of shedding light on the severity of domestic violence, debunking myths, and dispelling stereotypes. Through education about the signs and impacts of abuse, individuals gain the tools to recognize and address it effectively. This month reinforces the message that survivors have support and resources.

Moreover, Sexual Assault Awareness Month underscores the importance of prevention through community engagement and educational initiatives. It encourages discussions about healthy relationships, consent, and bystander intervention. Let’s learn more about domestic violence and how it can be prevented.


Domestic violence/domestic abuse is typically manifested as a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim. Domestic abuse can be mental, physical, economic or sexual in nature.

Regrettably, domestic violence transcends boundaries and can affect individuals of any gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Its wide-ranging repercussions impact not only the immediate victims but also the children who witness such abuse.

The Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA) identifies several forms of abuse, including:

  1. Physical abuse (including sexual abuse)
  2. Harassment
  3. Intimidation of a dependent
  4. Interference with personal liberty
  5. Willful deprivation
  6. Exploitation
  7. Stalking

The warning signs of abuse may not manifest immediately and can evolve as the relationship progresses. However, it’s important to recognize that each relationship is unique, and domestic violence can manifest in various forms. One common trait among abusive relationships is the abuser’s attempt to establish power and control through various methods at different stages. Fortunately, there are strategies available to help protect you from this abuse.


Divorce proceedings can intensify tensions within a relationship, potentially worsening existing instances of family violence or leading to new forms of abuse. Additionally, survivors may disclose incidents of sexual assault during this tumultuous period. It’s crucial to recognize that survivors of sexual assault may face heightened vulnerability during divorce proceedings, often encountering threats, coercion, or manipulation from their abuser.

Fortunately, Orders of Protection (restraining orders) serve as a legal mechanism to shield survivors of family violence and sexual assault from further harm. These court orders can establish boundaries, prohibit contact, and provide security for individuals and their children. Survivors need to know that they do not have to face this process alone. Getting an order of protection requires a comprehensive understanding of legal procedures, evidence requirements, and advocacy skills.

A family law attorney can help provide legal resources and support services to assist in navigating an order of protection. By seeking the assistance of a compassionate and dedicated legal team, survivors can take crucial steps towards reclaiming their autonomy and finding security and peace of mind.


Unlike allegations of domestic violence, accusations of sexual abuse, particularly child molestation, are typically not made lightly. Such accusations are infrequent and receive intense scrutiny. The courts typically respond by appointing a Guardian ad Litem to investigate, with an expectation that the accusing parent has made every effort to investigate, document, and halt the sexual misconduct as soon as suspicion arose.

If accusations of sexual abuse, especially concerning children, arise within your marriage, immediate arrangements for a medical examination of the victim or alleged victim, even if that victim is yourself, are imperative. Subsequently, contacting an attorney should be a priority. Taking swift action can be pivotal in establishing the truth in court.


In the face of such challenges, the guidance of a knowledgeable family law attorney can be valuable. Family law attorneys have experience in navigating the complexities of divorce cases involving family violence and sexual assault. At Masters Law Group, we aim to protect you and your children’s best interests. Here are some of the areas that we can help you navigate: 

  • Parenting Time: If you have children, work closely with your attorney to determine the best parenting time plan. This helps to ensure that the agreed-upon arrangements prioritize your children’s well-being and best interests.
  • Mediation: Explore options such as mediation or collaborative divorce to help you and your ex-spouse reach mutually beneficial agreements outside of court. Your family law attorney can help guide you through these processes and represent your best interests during negotiations.
  • Post-divorce disputes: After the divorce is finalized, circumstances may require modifications to allocating parental responsibilities, visitation, or support arrangements. Stay in touch with your attorney to address any changes or issues that may arise in the future.
  • Orders of Protection: In cases where an order of protection is granted, attorneys monitor compliance and take swift action against any violations. This proactive approach reinforces the efficacy of legal measures and prioritizes the safety of survivors and their families.

In addition to representing clients, Senior Partner Erin E. Masters is also a court-appointed Child Representative and has experience advocating for children in these high-conflict matters.  Furthermore, Senior Partner Anthony G. Joseph is also on the list of approved Guardian Ad Litem/Child Representatives for the Domestic Relations Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County.

Remember, during this challenging period, Masters Law Group is here to support you and your legal rights. Working with our trusted attorneys can help alleviate the stress associated with domestic disputes, helping ensure a smoother transition for both you and your children.


In Chicago, there is a wide range of community resources available to support survivors of sexual assault. The Domestic Violence Legal Clinic provides legal assistance and advocacy services, helping ensure survivors can access legal remedies. The Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network serves as a comprehensive resource hub, connecting survivors to various shelters, counseling, and legal aid services throughout the city.

Hospitals like the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago also provide comprehensive medical care and forensic exams for survivors seeking immediate assistance. These community resources play a vital role in supporting survivors to help them heal and seek justice in the aftermath of sexual assault.


As we observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it’s crucial to recognize the intersection of divorce, family violence, and sexual abuse. Shedding light on these issues can empower survivors to take proactive steps toward safety and justice. 

At Masters Law Group, our skilled family law attorneys are here to help navigate the complexities of divorce while prioritizing the well-being of survivors and their families. Let us strive to create a society where survivors are heard, supported, and empowered,

Contact us here today.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month With Masters Law Group

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It’s a time when communities throughout the U.S. come together to shed light on domestic violence and stand by survivors. 

Almost 20 people in the United States experience physical abuse from an intimate partner every minute. This adds up to over 10 million women and men in a single year. Domestic violence is a widespread problem that touches people from all backgrounds. Its effects cause physical harm and emotional wounds that are endured for years.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the significance of Domestic Violence and how a family attorney can help bring positive change to the lives of survivors and their loved ones. Here’s what you need to know.

The Role of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month serves a multitude of crucial purposes. It plays a vital role in increasing awareness about the gravity of domestic violence, effectively dispelling myths and stereotypes. By understanding the indicators and effects of abuse, individuals become better equipped to recognize and confront it. This month reinforces the message that survivors are not alone and that help is readily accessible.

Furthermore, Domestic Violence Awareness Month emphasizes the importance of prevention through educational efforts and community involvement. It fosters conversations about healthy relationships, consent, and bystander intervention. Let’s look at different types of abuse and how to identify it.

Understanding Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship, typically characterized by one partner using power and control over the other. Unfortunately, domestic violence knows no boundaries and can affect people of all genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Its far-reaching consequences impact the immediate victims and children who witness such abuse. 

Domestic violence can manifest in various forms. Understanding how abuse occurs and intersects can help you safely respond to situations. Below are some ways to identify the different types of abuse.

  • Physical abuse: This form is one of the most easily identified types. It involves physical violence, or threats of it, to maintain power over an individual. Because of this, survivors are afraid and uncertain when more abuse will occur. Physical abuse often reinforces the regular use of other, more subtle types.
  • Emotional abuse: Has non-physical behaviors that are meant to control, isolate, or frighten someone. These behaviors are often more subtle and hard to identify but are just as serious as other types of abuse.
  • Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is when a partner controls the physical and sexual intimacy in a relationship. This often involves acting in a way that is non-consensual and forced.
  • Financial Abuse: Financial or economic abuse occurs when an abusive partner extends their power and control into your financial situation.
  • Digital Abuse: Digital abuse uses technology and the Internet to bully, harass, stalk, intimidate, or control a partner. This behavior is often a form of verbal or emotional abuse conducted online. 

The Role of Family Attorneys

Family attorneys are crucial in addressing domestic violence cases and helping survivors rebuild their lives. Family attorneys are well-versed in family law and can guide survivors seeking protection orders, custody arrangements, and divorce proceedings. They help ensure that legal measures are in place to protect survivors and any children involved. These plans include finding safe housing, accessing resources, and establishing communication protocols with law enforcement. Here are some of the following resources they can use to help:

Child Custody and Visitation: Family attorneys advocate for the child’s best interests in cases involving children. They work to secure custody arrangements that protect the child from further harm and facilitate healing.

Restraining Orders: Family attorneys can help survivors obtain orders of protection, which legally prohibit the abuser from contacting or approaching the survivor. These orders provide a crucial layer of protection.

Advocacy in Court: Family attorneys are the voice of survivors in legal proceedings. They present evidence, argue, and advocate for their clients’ rights and safety, ensuring the survivor’s perspective is heard and respected.

Attorneys often have networks of professionals and organizations in domestic violence support, including counselors, shelters, and support groups. They can connect survivors with these resources to aid in their recovery.

Working With Masters Law Group

When going through a domestic dispute, it is often beneficial to seek assistance from family law professionals who have experience navigating the legal aspects of separation, divorce, and mediation. The experienced family law attorneys at Masters Law Group can advise on the legal aspects of your divorce. We can help you understand your rights, obligations, and options for resolving disputes while providing valuable guidance and support. Our main goal is to ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children are protected. Here are some of the areas that can help you navigate:

Parenting Time: If you have children, work closely with your attorney to determine the best child custody and visitation arrangements. Ensure that the agreed-upon arrangements prioritize your children’s well-being and best interests.

Mediation: Explore options such as mediation or collaborative divorce to help you and your ex-spouse reach mutually beneficial agreements outside of court. Your family law attorney can guide you through these processes and represent your interests during negotiations.

Post-divorce disputes: After the divorce is finalized, there may be circumstances that require modifications to child custody, visitation, or support arrangements. Stay in touch with your attorney to address any changes or issues that may arise in the future.

Remember, during this challenging period, Masters Law Group is here to support you and your legal rights. Working with our trusted attorneys can help alleviate the stress associated with domestic disputes, ensuring a smoother transition for both you and your children.


Chicago offers a range of important community resources for those affected by domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Legal Clinic provides legal assistance and advocacy services, ensuring survivors can access legal remedies. Apna Ghar offers culturally sensitive support and shelter to immigrant and refugee survivors. The Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network serves as a comprehensive resource hub, connecting survivors to various shelters, counseling, and legal aid services throughout the city.

Additionally, the Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline operates 24/7, offering immediate assistance, information, and referrals to those in crisis. These organizations and many others in Chicago are vital in providing support, resources, and community connections for individuals affected by domestic violence.

Final Thoughts

Domestic Violence Awareness Month serves as a reminder that domestic violence is a grave issue that affects countless lives. At Masters Law Group, our attorneys play an essential role in helping survivors break free from abusive situations and rebuild their lives. As we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let us reaffirm our commitment to raising awareness, supporting survivors, and working together to create a world free from domestic violence.

Contact us today to discover how we can guide you toward a brighter, safer future.